Tuesday, September 4, 2007

¡Feliz Cumpleaños, Padre!

Bright and early (before 7 a.m.) Padre Ron was greet over the phone by the Casas Kids from San José singing all three versions of happy birthday! Then calls from Casas Sagrada Familia- each espressing in that awkward teenage way they best wishes for a happy birthday.Then other phone calls began. Next, a short visit by a passing parishoner and her dad. Finally, an email from Mom, and another one from Vicki. The day is underway! In this afternoon´s meeting with the Casas folks there may be a time of cake with the kids. Also, a bus load will show up for a celebration about 7:30p.m. - or 8:30p.m. There will be many sincere expressions of love and bestwishes. Peruvians don´t hide their feelings. For one who doesn´t like to be fussed over, it will be a little embarassing to be in the limelight so much!

In addition, I got a phone call from Padre Juan Carlos. They were only two hours from Ica, where the earthquake was, and are helping out at one of the soup kitchens set up by the Anglican church.

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