Sunday, July 25, 2010


Saturday, July 24th, 2010 was a special night for Martha and Victoria, their quinceañera!
This is a type of "coming of age" fiesta, signifying that the girls are
 no longer "chicas," but "señoritas."  This marks a turning point where
 they will take on more responsibility, making more adult decisions.

The girls are shown here with their padrino and madrinas (sponsors):
Martha's were Sandy and Gloria Johnson,
long-term SAMS missionaries in Arequipa,
 and Victoria's was Kym McDaniel, 
short-term SAMS intern here for two months,
but previously on many Roof Dog visits to the casas.

First there was a church ceremony where the girls prayed the
following prayer:  "Thank You, Lord, for permitting me to complete
fifteen years of age.  Accept my youth that I offer with all of my
heart.  I promise to serve You all the days of my life.
Help me to complete Your will here on the earth, and one day,
in the company of my loved ones, to be able to enjoy the
 eternal pleasures that You have prepared for us.  Amen"
With Padre Juan Carlos, following the service.

Now on to the party!  Everything was decorated beautifully.
It was held at San Lucas Church.

The Director of the casa hogar, Sagrada Familia,
 Pedro Huamani,
escorts the girls into the hall as their "papá."

Victoria and Martha pass between rows of guests 
holding candles, blowing them out as they go.

After salutations and introductions, words of wisdom 
from the padrinos, and a response and welcome
from the girls themselves, it was time for the first dance!

Then everyone gets into the act!

Martha and Giovanna

Vicky and Juan Ayala


Susana and Victoria take a break.

Manuel was a wonderful waiter.
(when he wasn't dancing!)

And we had a fantastic crew of helpers...
pictured here are Ana Rosa and Naty.

Victoria greets a friend.

Doesn't Martha have a 
beautiful smile?

Now it's time for the cake!  (In some ways, this
was almost like a wedding celebration!)

A special guest for Martha, her sister Noemi.

Sandy and Pedro...without these two gentlemen,
(plus Gloria and Kym) this event would not have happened!
There was much behind-the-scenes coordination necessary, 
but what a privilege to bless these girls.

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